9 Aliases

An Alias is a special type of Data Node which can represent a Group pathway element (or other entity). An Alias Data Node can be linked to an existing Group.

9.1 Adding an Alias

Alias Data Nodes can be added from an existing Group (linked to the selected group) or using the Objects Panel (link to a group later).

9.2 Adding and Deleting an Alias from a Group

9.2.1 To Add an Alias for an existing Group:

  1. Right-click on the Group and select “Add Alias…”. The new Alias Data Node will be linked to this Group.

9.2.2 To Remove an Alias:

  1. To remove an Alias, click on the Alias and delete as normal.

9.3 Linking and Unlinking an Alias to a Group

Use the Objects Panel to add a DataNode of type Alias.

9.4 Copying and Pasting an Alias

An Alias Data Node can be copied and pasted.

9.4.1 With linked Group

If both an Alias Data Node and the Group it is linked to are copied, the new Alias Data Node will be linked to the new Group.

9.4.2 Without linked Group

Warning message when copying an Alias (unlinked or copied without group)

Figure 0.1: Warning message when copying an Alias (unlinked or copied without group)

If an Alias Data Node is unlinked OR the Alias Data Node is linked to a Group but only the Alias DataNode is copied, the new Alias Data Node will not be linked to any Group.