All Classes
Class | Description |
AbstractConnector |
Abstract connector shape implementation that deals with cached shapes,
segments and waypoints.
AbstractPathwayModelFormat |
base implementation of PathwayImporter and PathwayExporter warnings
AbstractShape |
Class for shapes.
AnchorShape |
AnchorShape is responsible for defining the graphic for Anchors, similar to
ArrowShape for Arrows.
AnchorShapeRegistry |
Defines and registers all Anchor shapes.
AnchorShapeType |
This class contains extensible enum for Anchor type property.
Annotation |
This class stores information for an Annotation.
AnnotationType |
This class contains extensible enum for Annotation type property.
ArrowHeadType |
This class contains extensible enum pattern for different arrow head types.
ArrowShape |
ArrowShapes determine how the ending of a line can be drawn.
ArrowShape.FillType |
Enumerates possible ways to combine the outline and body.
ArrowShapeRegistry |
Defines and registers all arrowhead shapes.
Citation |
This class stores information for a Citation.
ColorUtils |
This utils class contains methods for converting
Color to hexBinary
or color name String , and vice versa. |
ConnectorRestrictions |
Methods to provide restrictions for the connector path
ConnectorShape |
Implement this to provide a line shape for connectors.
ConnectorShape.Segment |
A single segment of the connector path.
ConnectorShape.WayPoint |
The class for a waypoint, a point through which the connector passes.
ConnectorShapeFactory |
Constructs connector shapes.
ConnectorType |
This class contains extensible enum for different connectorType property.
ConverterException |
Exception that occurs during import, export, save or load of a pathway model.
CopyElement |
This class stores information for copied
PathwayElement . |
CurvedConnectorShape |
Implements a curved connector that draws curved lines between the segments.
DataNode |
This class stores information for a DataNode pathway element.
DataNodeType |
This class contains extensible enum for DataNode type property.
DebugList<E> |
This is a List that helps in the search for ConcurrentModification problems.
DebugList.DebugIterator<E> |
An iterator to go with the DebugList.
Drawable |
Interface for classes which can be drawn a pathway model canvas.
ElbowConnectorShape |
ConnectorShape implementation for the elbow connector.
EventDispatchThreadOnly |
Indicates that this class or method should only be accessed by the Event
Dispatch Thread
Evidence |
This class stores information for an Evidence.
FileUtils |
Collection of static utility methods dealing with files.
FreeConnectorShape |
Implements a connector that draws straight lines between multiple waypoints.
GPML2013aFormatAbstract |
Abstract class for GPML2013a format.
GPML2013aFormatAbstract.AttributeInfo |
Name of resource containing the gpml schema definition.
GPML2013aReader |
This class reads a PathwayModel from an input source (GPML 2013a).
GPML2013aWriter |
This class writes a PathwayModel to an output (GPML 2013a).
GPML2021FormatAbstract |
Read / write GPML files.
GPML2021Reader |
This class reads a PathwayModel from an input source (GPML 2021).
GPML2021Writer |
This class writes a PathwayModel to an output (GPML 2021).
GPMLFormat |
Class responsible for interaction with Gpml format.
GPMLFormatAbstract |
Abstract class for GPML format.
GPMLFormatReader |
Interface for GPML reading.
GPMLFormatVersion |
Interface for GPML format versions.
GPMLFormatWriter |
Interface for GPML writing.
GraphicalLine |
This class stores information for GraphicalLine pathway element.
GraphLink |
This class only contains static methods and should not be instantiated.
GraphLink.LinkableFrom |
Classes which want to refer *to* a
GraphLink.LinkableTo PathwayElement must
implement this interface. |
GraphLink.LinkableTo |
PathwayElements which can be referred to must implement this interface.
Group |
This class stores all information relevant to a Group pathway element.
Groupable |
Interface for classes which can belong in a
Group . |
GroupType |
This class contains extensible enum for Group type property.
HAlignType |
This enum class contains possible values for horizontal text alignment
Interaction |
This class stores information for an Interaction pathway element.
IShape |
Interface for shapes.
Label |
This class stores all information relevant to a Label pathway element.
LinAlg |
Helper class for rotation calculations.
LinAlg.Point |
Point, pair of doubles.
LineElement |
This abstract class stores information for a Line pathway element, e.g.
LineStyleType |
This class contains extensible enum for lineStyle or borderStyle property.
Logger |
Logs output to a stream, with the option to filter for types of messages
ObjectType |
Possible values for PathwayElement.getObjectType(), such as "DataNode" or
Pathway |
The Pathway class stores information or metadata for a Pathway Model.
PathwayElement |
Abstract class of pathway elements which are part of a pathway, have an
elementId, have Comment,
Children: DataNode, State, Interaction, GraphicalLine, Label, Shape, Group.
PathwayModel |
This class stores information for a Pathway model.
PathwayModel.StatusFlagEvent |
Event for a change in the "changed" status of this Pathway
PathwayModel.StatusFlagListener |
Implement this interface if you want to be notified when the "changed" status
PathwayModelEvent |
Used to notify listeners of changes to the model, i.e a Pathway or
PathwayModelExporter |
Interface for an exporter that writes a pathway to a file.
PathwayModelImporter |
Implemented by classes that can import a pathway from various different
PathwayModelIO |
Common methods for
PathwayModelImporter s and
PathwayModelExporter s |
PathwayModelListener |
Implement this if you want to be notified of changes to a PathwayModel.
PathwayObject |
Abstract class of pathway elements which are part of a pathway and have an
PathwayObjectEvent |
This event is used to notify
PathwayObjectListener s of changes to
properties of a PathwayElement. |
PathwayObjectListener |
Implement this if you want to be notified of changes to properties of a
Property |
This interface defines a typed property.
PropertyManager |
This PropertyManager handles the registration/lookups of everything related
to TypedProperties.
PropertyType |
This interface represents a type (the Type in Property).
Referenceable | |
Referenceable.Annotatable |
Interface for classes which can hold a
List of PathwayElement.AnnotationRef . |
Referenceable.Citable |
Interface for classes which can hold a
List of PathwayElement.CitationRef . |
Referenceable.Evidenceable |
Interface for classes which can hold a
List of PathwayElement.EvidenceRef . |
RootElementFinder |
This is similar to,
perhaps can be re-used.
RootElementFinder.RootElementHandler |
Root element handler class.
SegmentedConnector |
Base class for segmented connectors.
Shape |
This class stores all information relevant to a Shape pathway element.
ShapeCatalog |
This class defines some shapes.
ShapeCatalog.Internal |
these constants are internal, only for the switch statement below.
ShapedElement |
This class stores information for shaped pathway element
DataNode ,
DataNode.State , Label , Shape , and Group . |
ShapeRegistry |
The Shape registry stores all arrow heads and shapes
at this moment the shape registry initializes itself, by calling
registerShape() on BasicShapes, GenMAPPShapes and MIMShapes.
ShapeType |
This enum class contains extensible enum for Shape type property.
StateType |
This class contains extensible enum for state types.
StaticProperty |
Static properties for ObjectTypes, linked in
PathwayObject . |
StaticPropertyType |
The properties in
StaticProperty define properties of different
types, all the possible types are defined here. |
StopWatch |
A simple helper class for speed optimizations.
StraightConnectorShape |
Implements a straight connector Shape, i.e.
Test |
Tests for libgpml model classes.
TestAlias |
Tests for aliasRef of
DataNode . |
TestAnchor |
Test for
LineElement.Anchor . |
TestAnnotation |
Tests for Annotation class.
TestCitation |
For testing Citation methods
TestColorUtils |
Tests for ColorUtils class.
TestCopy |
Test for Clone methods.
TestDataNodeType |
Test for extensible enum class.
TestDebug |
Tests for debug.
TestElementId |
Tests for elementId.
TestEvidence |
For testing Evidence methods
TestGraph |
Test graph properties of a pathway model.
TestGraphLink |
For testing methods for elementRef:
TestGroup |
Test for
Group . |
TestGroupNested |
Tests for nested
Group (s). |
TestGroupRectPropertyUtils |
Tests for GroupRectPropertyUtils class, the utility class for finding group bounds.
TestLinePoint |
Test for
LineElement.LinePoint . |
TestReferenceable |
Tests for
Referenceable : |
TestSegmentedConnector |
Test for segmented connector.
TestState |
Test for
DataNode.State . |
TestTemporary |
Test for random things.
TestXrefUtils |
Tests for XrefUtils class.
ThreadSafe |
Use this annotation to indicate that this method is Thread-safe, i.e.
Utils |
Various utility functions.
VAlignType |
This enum class contains possible values for vertical text alignment
WorkerThreadOnly |
Indicates that this class or method should only be accessed by threads other
than the Event Dispatch Thread
Xrefable |
Interface for classes which can have an
Xref . |
XrefUtils |
This utils class contains methods for checking DataSource and creating Xref.