Interface GraphLink.LinkableFrom

All Known Implementing Classes:
Enclosing class:

public static interface GraphLink.LinkableFrom
Classes which want to refer *to* a GraphLink.LinkableTo PathwayElement must implement this interface. At this time that only goes for LineElement.LinePoint.
  • Method Details

    • getElementRef

      GraphLink.LinkableTo getElementRef()
      Returns the GraphLink.LinkableTo pathway element this GraphLink.LinkableFrom elementRef refers to.
      the LinkableTo elementRef refers to.
    • getRelX

      double getRelX()
      Returns the relative x coordinate. When the given point is linked to a pathway element, relX and relY are the relative coordinates on the element, where 0,0 is at the center of the object and 1,1 at the bottom right corner of the object.
      the relative x.
    • getRelY

      double getRelY()
      Returns the relative y coordinate. When the given point is linked to a pathway element, relX and relY are the relative coordinates on the element, where 0,0 is at the center of the object and 1,1 at the bottom right corner of the object.
      the relative y.
    • linkTo

      void linkTo​(GraphLink.LinkableTo elementRef, double relX, double relY)
      Links this linkableFrom (e.g. linePoint) to the given linkableTo.
      elementRef - the linkableTo pathway element.
      relX - the relative x coordinates.
      relY - the relative y coordinates.
    • unlink

      void unlink()
      Unlinks this linkableFrom (e.g. linePoint) from linkableTo pathway element.
    • refeeChanged

      void refeeChanged()
      Called whenever the object being referred to changes coordinates.