Interface PathwayModelIO

All Known Subinterfaces:
PathwayModelExporter, PathwayModelImporter
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPathwayModelFormat, GPMLFormat

public interface PathwayModelIO
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    java.lang.String[] getExtensions()
    Get the possible extensions this importer/exporter can read (e.g.
    java.lang.String getName()  
    java.util.List<java.lang.String> getWarnings()
    After import or export, this can be used to check if there are any warnings
  • Method Details

    • getName

      java.lang.String getName()
    • getExtensions

      java.lang.String[] getExtensions()
      Get the possible extensions this importer/exporter can read (e.g. txt). The extensions do not have to be unique. In case two importers use the same extension, the correct one will be chosen based on the result of PathwayImporter.isCorrectFileType(). If that doesn't help, the user may be asked to pick an importer. The first item in the array is assumed to be the preferred extension.
      An array with the possible extensions (without '.')
    • getWarnings

      java.util.List<java.lang.String> getWarnings()
      After import or export, this can be used to check if there are any warnings
      a list of warning messages, or an empty list if there are none.