8 Data Nodes
A Data Node denotes a biological entity that forms a node in a pathway. We have two categories of Data Node Types: Molecular DataNodes and Concept DataNodes.

Figure 0.1: Object Panel options for Data Nodes
8.1 Molecular DataNodes
8.1.1 GeneProduct
An entity representing any product of a given gene, including DNA, RNA and Protein. This is the most generic representation of a gene-based biomolecule and is useful when more than one representation might be useful in the given context
8.1.2 Metabolite
An entity representing a metabolite, including chemical compounds that participate in or are produced by metabolic reactions, but also other chemical compounds that participate in a pathway otherwise.
8.1.5 RNA
An entity representing a RNA peptide, including mRNA, miRNA, etc. This is commonly used to explicitly represent mRNA transcripts (excluding DNA or protein forms) or other RNA species, like miRNA, exRNA, lncRNA, etc
8.1.6 Complex (deprecated)
The Complex Data Node Type is deprecated. Its use was similar to that of Alias.
8.2 Concept DataNodes
8.2.1 Pathway
A biological process representing a set of interactions and relationships among genes, proteins, metabolites, and other factors in the context of cellular compartments, tissues and organisms.
8.2.4 Alias
An Alias is a special type of Data Node which can represent a Group pathway element (or other entity). Please see Aliases for more information!