Uses of Package
Package | Description |
---|---| |
Import and export classes
org.pathvisio.libgpml.model |
Classes representing the pathway "model".
Classes in used by Class Description ConverterException Exception that occurs during import, export, save or load of a pathway model.PathwayModelExporter Interface for an exporter that writes a pathway to a file.PathwayModelImporter Implemented by classes that can import a pathway from various different types.PathwayModelIO Common methods forPathwayModelImporter
s andPathwayModelExporter
s -
Classes in used by org.pathvisio.libgpml.model Class Description AbstractPathwayModelFormat base implementation of PathwayImporter and PathwayExporter warnings mechanism.ConverterException Exception that occurs during import, export, save or load of a pathway model.PathwayModelExporter Interface for an exporter that writes a pathway to a file.PathwayModelImporter Implemented by classes that can import a pathway from various different types.PathwayModelIO Common methods forPathwayModelImporter
s andPathwayModelExporter